Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mostly a Giggle...

I love absurdity.  I love when things happen that are so out there you can’t help but shake your head and say ‘what the heck?‘   I enjoy examining these little events with a microscope. Like a rare tiny treasure, I hold it up to the light, turning it over and over again in my hand, marveling at the cracks and crevices, the gold trim, and special clasp, the whole time wondering what other interesting prizes I will discover.
I was presented with such a gem recently, and I’m still shaking my head.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Joy of a Letter

Today, I am overwhelmed by how easy it is to have a positive impact on someone’s life.  Generally, when we think about helping others we think about the big picture, feeding hungry children in 3rd world countries, housing the homeless in our own home city, big things that require big money and big time.  At least, I do.  Yes, I’m familiar with the ‘smile at a stranger’ practice. But, that’s simple, it comes naturally to me.  I just don’t think of those kinds of things when I think of helping out my fellow man.  I always think it has to be big.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Quiet That Cleanses My Spirit

It’s so easy to get sucked into the pull of life, to become a bobber being tugged with life’s currents this way and that.  I know what I need to do to maintain the inner calm I have grown to cherish, the quiet that anchors me to my inner peace.  However, I don’t always remember to fit it into the flow that life creates around me.

Friday, February 10, 2012


This is the post powerful time of my life.  For the first time I see myself as a free-standing, independent, individual, master of my universe and devoted disciple to personal growth and expanding boundaries.  I am, all at once, confused and amazed at the person I have become, the issues that move me and the community that I can finally call home.  I am a woman, something I have not always been proud of, and rarely identified with.  I am intoxicated with the power I now draw from all things feminine.  I am humbled by the women that have gone before me, fighting societal norms and restrictions to be heard, to be seen, to be human.  I am speechless with the bounty I feel from my circle of sisters, a community I never before belonged to and never thought I would.  This is what this powerful time feels like to me...overwhelming with abundance and the potential for enormous change.