Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Outing The Emperor Of Irrational and Bad Behavior

I work with women everyday that believe the lies.  Shoot, I believed the lies.  I believed what I was told as a child, on the playground, in the classroom, at ballet class and at home.  We were told that we were too loud, too sensitive, too dumb, too ugly. We slowly accepted those lies as truths, even though our heart and our eyes told us otherwise.  We lost faith in our own inner compass, buying into this distorted fairytale reality.  Much like the child in the crowd, we could see that the Emperor was naked but believed the crowd that he must be wearing clothes. 
As we matured into adult women we fed our minds by pursuing further education.  We fed our hearts by pursuing relationships that nurtured our souls and our spirits.  We went after all kinds of things in an effort to continue to grow as a woman and a human being.  But, for some reason we held onto the lies from our childhood like a badge of honor, something we fought for and achieved, putting little effort into growing past the confinement of the lie.
I think, many times, it’s difficult to let go of the lies because the person that taught us that we were ‘less than’ is a loved one, someone we trusted to have our best interest at heart, someone that should have been our protector, our lifeline, our best ally.  To believe that the lie is, in fact, a lie means that we were deceived.  It means our ally was, for all intent and purpose, a spy...working for the other side.  A betrayer of our heart.
Growth cannot happen, change cannot occur, happiness cannot be achieved until we acknowledge the lie for what it is, a horrible distortion of the truth imposed upon us without our approval, or knowledge.  Facing this truth can expose all kinds of pain, uncertainty and feelings of betrayal...IF you focus on the messenger and not on the message.  As soon as we can let go of the intent of the messenger, we can dispel the lie with relative ease.  I know this because I’ve done it.
Because we are loving, nurturing individuals we assume that the abuser/messenger (usually a parent, spouse, or loved one) has ‘done‘ this to us on purpose, with calculated intent.  Based on our definition of decent human behavior, this is the only way it makes sense.  We assume they are using our logic, which says that a loving person doesn’t ‘do this‘ to someone they love.  
What if, instead, we use the example of a Busy Box, a toy designed to keep babies happy in their crib.  The baby pushes a button and a bell rings. They spin a wheel and a whistle sounds.  The baby is taught that if they perform 1 action another pleasurable reaction occurs.  This is how human behavior is learned.  The abuser in your life was taught their unpleasant and unfavorable behavior the same way.  Somewhere along the line they criticized and were rewarded for that behavior, by peer approval, by feeling better about themselves, or by getting attention.  Good and bad, all of our behaviors were learned this way.
There is no intent involved other than self reward.  And, this behavior becomes so ingrained it dictates how we navigate through the many interactions of our lives.  We just do it.
The problem I have found with getting beyond the ugly behavior of the lie is that we can’t get past ‘How could they do this to me?‘  When the question should be ‘How can I release the hold they have on me by letting go of their intent?’  Because if there is no intent, then their behavior is just irrational, a poorly executed social education.  By accepting this definition you are not condoning their behavior, because, in most cases, their is no excuse.  Instead, it allows you to release their bad behavior, putting it squarely on their shoulders to live and deal with as they may.  And, more important, it allows you to move past the lie.  Because if they are irrational beings, working from a distorted ingrained, learned behavior... They can’t be right.  You are free to be the person you know resides in your heart, the one that calls to you to be heard and be honored.  It gives you permission to let go of the lie because the person that imposed it on you was basically not sane.  This person becomes the fairytale Emperor With No Clothes, and you become a Visionary, the only person with the clarity of mind, and boldness of spirit to see that he’s naked!
What lie are you holding onto?  Can you relegate your abuser/messenger to the role of The Emperor of Irrational and Bad Behavior? Can you become the Visionary of Truth to your own inner light?  If you can let go of the need to make sense of their behavior you can use all of that misdirected energy to create the life you deserve, one of happiness, fulfillment and contentment.


  1. Hi Lisa, I commented on a couple posts here a few weeks ago, and I'm back again. I first read your most recent post (omg -- it's PERFECT! Exactly what I needed to hear. I'll comment there later) ... and then I discovered this gem of a post.

    I wanted to comment here because this post really resonated with me. I'm 48 now, and still struggling to release the false core beliefs that were instilled in me as a child (I'm not good enough; I don't matter, I don't belong; I'm bad, etc). I get frustrated because I've been working so hard at recognizing and releasing these beliefs, but just when I think I'm finally free of them I discover that they're still lurking inside of me, just out of my conscious reach.

    I've reached the point of understanding my parents' limitations -- they were wounded too; they just did what they learned. So I'm not holding onto these beliefs because of my parents' intent or non-intent to hurt me. Rather, these beliefs are just IN me now. They are dug in so deep that I don't even see them ... until something is triggered in me and I realize that I'm still letting those false beliefs define me.

    So I wonder, how can I finally get past them? To the True, Real me? I've seen glimpses of that True Me recently, but they are fleeting ... I wonder how I can finally be free of the lies that bury Me?

    1. Maureen,
      Thank you so much for taking the time both to read and comment on my posts. Knowing that I have provided someone like yourself a place to say "that's me!" means a lot to me.

      As to your question of how to get past that hidden message loop in your head I can share my own experience. Like you, I decided that it was no longer acceptable to allow those negative thoughts to define me. Consequently, I made a conscious effort,( including occasionally stopping mid-activity to journal), to pay attention to the messages. Each and every one of them. To be ever mindful of where my thoughts had wandered. Just like an errant toddler, if they roamed off into dangerous territory i would call them back, remind my self that these thoughts were, in fact false, then put them away.
      I respectfully acknowledged them, and consciously dispelled them.

      It took a while, but not as long as you would think, but now I control my thoughts. Not the other way around. This practice really changed my life. It was the beginning of my ability to believe I was worth 'it'.

      I hope this helps. And, thanks again for commenting. Good luck.

    2. Dear Lisa,
      I meant to get back here long ago to thank you for this wonderful response to my comment. I love, love, love your strategy of catching and then writing down each and every negative thought that entered your mind. Sometimes those negative thoughts can be so insidious -- so fleeting -- that they're slippery and difficult for me to catch. Stopping yourself in the middle of whatever you were doing to write down the thoughts was a brilliant way to capture those little buggers in an air-tight jar! Out of your head, onto the page.

      I'm pretty sure I've seen you mention the phenomenon of synchronicity on your blog somewhere, so you'll appreciate this ... the very day I read your comment, another blog post came in my email from a site called "creation meditation." I almost fell over ... here is a quote from that post I read the same day I read your comment about writing down the thoughts:

      "After a life-altering experience at the age of eight, writing became the way in which to explore my inner world and uncover ways to work with pain and discomfort ...

      Journaling was a method to investigate suffering and to ride on pain’s emotional waves, seeing through its transparency and discovering it as nothing more than a form of energy.

      Writing not only got the flow going again, it also led to a center within where energy is born, where all things are possible, and where pain and pleasure are one."
      - Adriana Attento

      Surely I was being sent the message to carry a notebook with me wherever I go!

      Have I done that yet? ... well, no. I get distracted so easily these days, and fall off track in a second flat. But now I am reminded, and I will try again.

      One thing I've been doing quite a lot of lately is meditation, which lately has been helping me ward off, or at least be aware of, unhealthy thoughts buzzing in my head. Adding writing to the mix will be the perfect complement.

      Thanks again, Lisa. Now I am going to respond to your June Cleaver post. I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH ALIKE WE ARE!!! See you over there ...


    3. Hi Maureen,
      First, let me say if you are not blogging you should be. You have a gift for expressing yourself. You write from your heart and obviously have an amazing story of courage and perseverance that should be shared. The freedom that comes from sharing your experiences and the hopes and aspirations you have as a result of those experiences is amazing.

      Second, it's obvious you are on a path to better things. Hang on to those practices that bring you peace and propel you forward. They are your lifeline to a happier healthier you. It sounds like you have the tools to be the change. Don't put them down, set them aside or turn your back on them. Set the example for your kids as to what an empowered woman looks like.

      I'm cheering you on!

