Friday, August 12, 2011

Change : It Can Start With A Pillow

There’s a Chinese proverb that says ‘If you want to encourage change in your life move 27 things in your house.’  I wonder... 
Does this mean that by rearranging my pillows it’ll be easier to change jobs?  Or, perhaps my ‘house’ is my inner being, a metaphor to illustrate that inner change translates, and transfers, out to the world and those around me.  And, what’s so special about the number 27?  
Even in it’s very writing, this proverb works it’s magic, challenging us to look at how we live and what we can do differently.  That’s what change is all about.  What I love about this particular proverb is the opportunity it provides to make change manageable.  No matter who you are, changing what you do is a challenge.  The older we become the more set we are in our ways.  We have a routine.  ‘It works!  Why change it?’  
The proverb refers to 27 things in your house.  I could choose to move big things like furniture, challenging, somewhat of an ordeal, and probably requires help.  Or, I could choose to start with the knick-knackie stuff.  A lamp here, a picture there...move this end table to the family room.  

Which is simpler?  More manageable?  Which can I do easily with almost guaranteed success? Obviously, the small things.  I can see small changes in my house, or even in my life.  I can do it myself.  Then, I can sit back, observe it, and assess the change.  Do-able.  Manageable. Success!
Too many times I hear people speak of the changes they hope to make.  They go on to describe something so huge, so outrageous that it would take 5 professionals and 3 personal assistants to make it happen.  Yet, they think they can do it all, by themselves.  And, if they take a short lunch today,get it done by tomorrow.  

When it doesn’t happen they experience disappointment, feelings of failure, disgust with themselves and their own ineptness.  I ask, 'How unfair is that?' I think, 'Gee, I'm sorry you can’t jump over a building!  You don’t have superpowers!'
As the proverb implies, change starts by moving the small stuff.  If you decide you are going to make more time for yourself, start small.   Rather than disrupt every aspect of your life by rearranging childcare, work schedules, meal plans and more. Choose something that you can accomplish in 15 minutes, 2 days per week.  
It is likely you’ll find this small amount of change a challenge, at first.  But, it is manageable.  More importantly, it is achievable.  You will get to say “I did it!’  Endorphins (little party animals in your body) will flood your system in celebration.  You, and your brain, will rejoice in this feeling. You will want to do it again.  Because you were successful. And, change will happen.
Change is the secret elixir of historical proportions, the stuff guys like Indiana Jones and Vasco de Gama were searching for. It is the Fountain of Youth. Drink from it’s pool and you will feel younger, more though you can take on the world. By allowing change into your life, in small, manageable snippets, you give yourself permission to see yourself in a different light, in a different scenario, in a new context.  By testing your meddle, in the face of newness, you test your boundaries, which are always wider than you think they are, especially for woman.
What 27 things would you move in your house?  (or the metaphorical 'house')  If you were guaranteed that by moving your pillows from the living room to the family room, or your bedtime from 1AM to 11PM, you could dramatically change your life, wouldn’t it be worth giving it a try? ... dramatically change your life?...Those are powerful words for such a small effort.
Aren’t you worth this tiny effort?  You can start today.  Pick 1 small thing. And, like moving a pillow, you will be on your way to a fantastic new life.

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