Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Cozy Joy of a Good Rainy Day

There is a nice steady rain outside this morning.  I really do love a good rainy day.  Even if I have a busy schedule it always reminds me to stop, sit quietly (even if only in my head) and think.  I am immediately transported to a comfy chair, surrounded by my husband and boys (when they were little), special snacks on the table in the next room, the smell of them cooking still lingers in the air.   As we hunker  down to pass a day ‘stuck’ inside there’s almost an excitement in the air, an anticipation of good times to come. We will play board games, some wrestling (definitely a special version called Run Into The Pillow), and a favorite movie to top it all off.  I can hear the laughter.  I can taste the cookies.  I am wrapped in love as the comforting feeling of ‘Home’ washes over me.  Yes...I definitely love a good rainy day.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Play: The Rx to Happiness

When did playing become taboo?  That’s what I want to know.  As children, play is an integral part of both physical, mental and social growth.  As we rounded up our neighbors for a good game of Kick the Can we learned to cooperate, to follow rules, to encourage our peers, not to mention the chance to try out your new ‘tennies’ as we ran like greased lightening hoping, for at least for this round, to be ‘safe’.  Play taught us creativity and self confidence, hoola-hooping while singing a made up song about chocolate bars and Cheerios, or rolling down grassy hills for the simple pleasure of getting dizzy.  When did this pure expression of unfettered joy become unacceptable?  And, why?

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Power of the Tiara

A long time ago, my mother told me a story about a young mother named June Barry that used to live behind us.  She was probably in her early 30’s, had a gaggle of very little kids,  and her husband, who was a commander in the military, was gone all the time.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What I See When I Look At You

It’s time.  I have watched from the side lines and waited for it to happen.  I see glimmers now and then, breakthrough moments, like the sunshine peeking through the clouds after a storm.  But, I want more. I want to feel the awakening, like the boom of the grand finale at the fireworks display on the 4th of July.  I want to feel the celebration as if John Phillip Susa is leading an elegantly clad marching band right through main street, trumpets blaring and cymbals crashing.  Just like the brightest beacon on the tallest lighthouse.  I want to see you shine.  Because, it’s time.