Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mostly a Giggle...

I love absurdity.  I love when things happen that are so out there you can’t help but shake your head and say ‘what the heck?‘   I enjoy examining these little events with a microscope. Like a rare tiny treasure, I hold it up to the light, turning it over and over again in my hand, marveling at the cracks and crevices, the gold trim, and special clasp, the whole time wondering what other interesting prizes I will discover.
I was presented with such a gem recently, and I’m still shaking my head.  

To do this story justice a little history is required.  A while ago, 5 or so years, I had an a friend (we’ll call Suzi) that, through a series of unfortunate events, our relationship ended on less than amicable terms.  To this day I believe the break up to have been caused by a series of misunderstandings that, much like a rolling snowball gaining in size, became so big, and confused there was no way back to our previous relationship.  Although I hold no animus, and have reached out, we have never been able to repair the breach.  I’m saddened by this, as I hate the feeling of unresolved issues. But, I have come to accept that this is where this relationship will be laid to rest, in a grave for the unresolved.  She was a teacher in my life, put there to impart wisdom and move on. I am OK with this, and truly feel at peace.
Now for the absurd part...
I am on LinkedIn.  I don’t use the account, mostly because I’m not sure how to.  But, I have one.  If you use LinkedIn you know that once a week or so you get an email telling you people have changed things in their profile. They will also, occasionally, outright suggest 1 or more particular people that you might like to connect with.  
I’m sure you know where this is going...  
Frequently, once every other month, I get an email from LinkedIn asking me if I’d like to connect with Suzi, and only Suzi.  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any other suggestion from them with just one person in it.  Occasionally 2 or 3, but never only one...unless it’s Suzi.
This is just weird.  I try to be self aware.  I try to tap into the “all things have a reason” mindset when I can.  Consequently, I have pondered the message here, holding it like that aforementioned treasure, ripe for examination.  Why is this woman’s picture being sent to me on a regular basis.  If I was a medium I couldn’t conjure her up as frequently as she shows up in my mailbox.  I ask myself ‘What am I suppose to resolve?’ 

It went from unusual to absurd!
Recently, I was invited by a good friend to attend a seminar by a nationally recognized personality.  Held at a conference center in Baltimore, 120 people were signed up to absorb the wisdom being handed out by this guru.  There were people milling around the lobby area, some checked in, other’s waiting until the line got a little smaller.  Lots of networking and chit-chat going on as people reached out to fellow business owners to make connections.  As I made my way through the small group gatherings, who do I spot on a bench but Suzi!  I couldn’t believe it.  
Not sure what the reaction would be, and not wanting to cause a scene (although I really didn’t expect this to happen) I politely chose to move quietly around ‘her’ group, looking for someone else like me, that hadn’t made any connections yet.   Easy-peasy.
I connected with Norma, and Katie, both Professional Organizer, two lovely ladies that were easy to talk to. 
The doors were opened and we decided to sit together.  Being as we were late getting on line to file in we had difficultly finding 3 seats together.  Spying a spot, I quickly moved up the aisle to snag the only 3-in-a-row seats.  We unburdened ourselves of bags, notebooks, and coffee cups to settle in for the remaining few minutes before the guest speaker was to begin.  
I look up and who’s sitting 3 seats over in the row front of me but Suzi!!!!  OMG!  Someone please tell me what’s going on? What’s the message?  What am I suppose to get past, or work through?  I have looked in my heart and hold no anger, or hurt.  No confusion remains.  Why is this woman being placed in my path over and over again? 
But, I’m not done.  As the noise level rises, and people once again begin to get their networking mojo in full gear, the woman directly in front of me and Suzi decide to change seats.  Good grief !!! Now Suzi is directly in front of me.  The only way she could be any closer is if she was to sit in my lap.  Hopefully, it won’t come to that.
The weirdest thing is, this story has no point...because that’s the point.  This absurd recurrence of event is hilarious.  You really would be hard pressed to orchestrate this many ‘meetings’, unless you set out on a campaign.  But, I do believe the universe is conspiring to tell me something, I just don’t have any idea what it is.  
I’ll continue to hold it up to the light, turn it around and around, and hopefully find the  gem that is hidden away for me.  Then Suzi will be allowed to go home.  Until then, I’ll set out the tea and cakes and wait for another inevitable ‘visit’.  Because until I ‘get it’  there’s no reason for her to stop dropping in.
I would welcome any comments on this hilarious recurring message.  Have you had a similar situation?  How do you resolve something when you can’t feel anything needs resolving?  I’m humored and stumped!

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