Thursday, July 21, 2011

Purpose: The Magic Compass

Today I am struck by the word Purpose and the power is holds.  Many of us drift through life, or stages of life, going through the motions, marriage, kids, career. 
It’s what everyone does.  Some of us even take the time to choose a goal, something we want to achieve, but find the completion of the task unfulfilling. We still want more.
It all comes down to Purpose.
If you don’t identify what your purpose is, the BIG purpose...why am I here?...then you end up spending your life like the ball in a pinball machine, bumping and bouncing from one knob to the next, but ultimately achieving a rather paltry score.  Definitely unsatisfying, and costly!
It is only when we answer the question ‘Why am I here?’ that we can correctly chart our path through life.  The answer to that question becomes the compass by which all decisions are made. 
Surprisingly, many of us confuse the word Goal with Purpose.  Although they can have a very similar meaning (or the same meaning, in the case of Merriam-Webster where purpose is defined as a goal) the intention is very different.  We can have a great many goals.  To become a wife.  To get a college degree. To become a doctor.  To make money.  But, if your Purpose in life is to empower women your goals may need to be modified, directed or even changed, if you are to keep your ‘eye on the prize’ for the good of women everywhere.
I think then the question that needs to be asked, and answered, is ‘how does one proceed?’  How does a person live their life with purpose and meet their goals.  I believe the balance comes in always using your Purpose as your map.  With each new goal, each new opportunity you must stop and ask ‘does this goal meet my definition of Purpose ?’  If you’re not sure then ask ‘how?’ How will this goal help me further the whole reason I am here?’  
By clearly defining why you are here, why you exist, your life will suddenly be filled with meaning.  Your course will be decided.  Clarity will reign! Then, you can move on to question number 2.  What can I do to carry out this calling?  The answer to that will last a life time!

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