Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oops! Forgot Someone

Wired from the planning of a women’s event yesterday, and trying to refocus on a second event and subsequent party I’m hosting tonight, I find I am in battle mode, an uncomfortable mix of prepared and last minute run-throughs of strategy, and plans. 
My mind flits from one thing to the next, serving the role of both the lowest of privates and the harshest of Generals.  Is the stuff from yesterday put away? No, sir.  Get to it!  Has the patio been weeded and swept, chairs cleaned and arranged?  No, sir. Get out there!
It’s only 6AM.  I have 6 hours.  My mind is ready.  My lists are ready.  I’m ready.  
I pace back and forth, my mind racing with thoughts of what I might be missing, and if I can get it all done.  Yesterday’s event was a time to celebrate.  The kitchen needs to be cleaned. But the guests haven’t had breakfast.  I pace some more, pensive.  I’m forgetting something.  I run through my checklist again...clean, shop, prepare...go to event, come home, entertain.  What am I missing?
I stop, take a breath, and allow everything in me to be quiet and still.   Inhale, exhale....I ask the question one more time.  What am I forgetting?
The answer is obvious.  ME!
In the furor of planning an event for women, preparing for weekend guests, supporting my husband in his preparations for his event this morning, arranging for an ‘after party’, I have forgotten to make time for myself.
So, I sit very still.  And, I am very quiet.  And I listen to my heart.  And I prepare...for me.

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