Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Wise Woman Warrior

It’s recently become very obvious that I have been catapulted into a new phase of life. I believe, in years past, it would have been called the Crone phase.  But, I just can’t embrace that term.  However, today I heard the same phase of life referred to as the Wise Woman Years.  Under that label I blossomed.
Without warning or fanfare, I find I’m suddenly quite happy with myself.  It’s as if I have been blind and deaf to my inner being for the first 45 years of my life and then BAM!   Like Rip Van Winkle,  I woke up one morning to gray hair and a long beard!  This analogy might not be the best, as I would look ridiculous in a long, gray beard.  But, the transformation is equally as unexpected.  
It’s rather magical, really.  It’s not as though I haven’t searched for this sensory awakening before.  After all, it’s pretty hard not to notice that you are blind and deaf.  Everything is dark.  The path is not clear.  You listen for danger, but there is only silence. You wave your arms around in front of you unsure where the next peril lies, and fearful of it’s affect.  You stumble and fall.
I ask myself ‘what changed?’  The answer is I just got really, really tired of doing things the same way over and over - and maybe over and over - again and expecting different results.  I’m smart enough to know the futility of this practice.  But, after all, I was blind and deaf.
I couldn’t see the damage my behavior was having on my spirit.  I couldn’t hear the cries of my very being wailing to be heard.  I was too focused on the mission.  The Service and Happiness of Others.
I hear you now, oh heart of mine.  I honor your courage, your individuality, your uniqueness, and your strength.
I see you, oh beautiful spirit of my being.  You can now soar to great heights.  You are free to express your glorious self.  You are free to show the world all that you are and all that you can be.  For the path is safe.  The way is clear.
We are one now.  One beautiful, Wise Woman Warrior ready to conquer all that life has to put before us.  We are wise.  We are whole.  We are hale.  We are ME!

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